Located in the heart of Alicante, Herrera5’s singular building blends with the tightly-knit industrial fabric of the Elche Parque empresarial, Elche Bussiness park.
Our offices, next to the Park’s Post Office, offer all sort of services to all kind of company, from one-man operations, to start-up operations, all the way to well established brands. Here, you will find all the necessary means to set your operations in the region, saving both headaches and operation costs.
Getting you own office or bussiness address here, is simple and without startup cost. You can have your own address, your business delegation our your headquartesrs in few simple steps. We can become your virtual –or real- offices.
We will assist you and your Company in every way we can, day in and day out, so you can be up-to-date in your business even when you are not here: incoming mail and parcels, calls, faxes or emails. All incoming events related to your company or operations will be immediately forwarded to you, in a timely and discreet fashion. And we you need a meeting room it will be available to you for a small fee. You can even put your name in the building directory!
Winter bussiness hours: 8.30h to 14.30h and from 16.30h to 19h.
Summer bussiness hours: 8.00h to 15h.
You are cordially invited to visit our facilities and team or enjoy our virtual visit.
What is a business centre?
A bussiness center is a privately-owned facility that is made available to other companies with the purpose of sharing all resources so that your set-up costs are reduced to a minimum while maintaining a high (or low) profile of you company. You only pay for what you need, no extra hidden costs!

You concentrate on the business
We willl take care of the rest